NEW ONLINE PROGRAM: Fracture Proof Your Bones!
I am excited to share with you a new, online program starting in February called Fracture Proof Your Bones. This will include updated research and information about exercise, diet, meditation, Osteoporosis medications, and more. This program will be individualized to each participant's history and needs.
ALSO COMING SOON: I will be starting a program titled Yoga vs. Osteoporosis and Scoliosis from The Fishman Method, Columbia University Medical School.
Osteoporosis Program
Osteoporosis is a preventable, treatable problem. At our facility, you will learn to safely move and exercise to promote your bone density. We teach safe Pilates for Osteoporosis that helps:
Adds Bone Density
Improves Posture
Adds Body Height
Relieves Pain
Straightens Your Back
Makes you Look and Feel Younger!
“If your spine in inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young”
Dr. Fishman in a modified Warrior Two pose.
NEW PROGRAM: Twelve Poses of Yoga for Osteoporosis - Dr. Loren M. Fishman Method
Yoga works as well or better than medicines and has additional ways in which it can be more beneficial for you. This program is a twelve minute sequence of simple yoga poses that have shown to improve balance, range of motion, strength, posture, refines coordination, lowers anxiety. Yoga reduces your likely hood of falling the chief cause of Osteoporotic fractures.
See Dr. Fishman’s studies:
Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss
A pilot study preceded it:
Dr. Fishman’s Website where Kris is listed as a trained teacher in this method: